The assignment of the color white — the woman can observe every time, when you are excited, as a vaginal lubricant or fluids. This unusual mucus in its composition: it contains cellular components, the leukocytes and other microorganisms, the body's own glands. Basically, vaginal discharge is transparent, or no color. In the other case, if it is a bad slime, the first sign of a disease. In this article, you need to understand what vaginal discharge than normal, and you can learn more about the female lubrication during arousal.
If the white discharge are the Norm?
Liquid in the Form of mucus is typical for all the girls. This is the safest indicator for a healthy body and a stable physiological activity of the female body. Here are the main symptoms are, when women believe vaginal discharge white color normal:
- Consistency in the Form of jelly;
- a small amount;
- unusual odors, but without decay bacteria, impurities;
- in the Vagina does not cause irritation and itching.
The girl after having sex-free is much more fluid. It should be remembered that this is the normal process that must always be in accordance with the contact. This means that the woman's excited very strong and experienced feelings after a sexual experience. The process can not control the selection of the lubricant after intercourse is absolutely normal, and most importantly – an indicator of outstanding female health.
With respect to the number of secretions, it all depends on the time of ovulation. So, if only that was the Menstruation, the mucus is much smaller than in the middle of the cycle.
The effects of intercourse on the peak!

Active discharge in the case of the excitation in women appear after 7-10 seconds after stimulating the most sensitive erogenous Zone. In General, man enough, to sheath with kisses in the nape of the neck, slowly blending to the chest, and then down to induce in women, discharge from the. In General, the girls have such a Signal serves to make it clear – the body is ready for the introduction of the male sexual organ to the inside. According to this transparent liquid increases in quantity, and it is very good. As of the Moment, the highest point of pleasure, an orgasm, then white discharge reduced. So, natural and natural lubrication is the healthiest and clearest sign of this female arousal. This substance you can't fake or create Simulation.
What if the lubrication is not enough?
Girls may experience some discomfort, feel the small appearance of the natural discharge, and sometimes not at all. Dryness during sexual contact is very bad for the body of two people, because it really hurt sex organs. No discharge, in General, the cause of the following points:
- the daily intake woman strong hormone preparations;
- the constant Stress, the excited state, the physical and emotional overload;
- the use of condoms during the contact with latex covering;
- severe disorders of the immune system;
- the use of antidepressants;
- Smoking;
- Disease, infectious or sexually transmitted;
- Crash of the hormone levels, a strong imbalance;
- Problems with urinary System;
- The absence of excitation due to insufficient duration of foreplay;
- Problems with the blood flow, disturbance of blood circulation;
- breast-feeding;
- Problems with the nervous system, pathology.
Abundant discharge will never go in front of the sexual contact, if at least one Symptom of dryness of the vagina. In this case, it is best to go to a gynecologist and not to tighten with its treatment, since all of this very seriously. In no case do not self treatment, with a physician is important to talk. Use lubricants that are sold in a pharmacy, it can only be the case if the natural lubrication is constantly in small quantities, and the woman was completely healthy.

What if the lubrication is very much during intercourse?
In fact, there is nothing wrong with that. Basically, only a strong close feeling, when vaginal discharge in women a lot more than necessary. In some cases, for this reason, sexual contact leaning. Men look at the superfluous moisture of the female vagina, as a sign of depravity and constant change of sexual partner, what is considered absolutely wrong. Each girl is individually says in his own way and strong, the released fluid only, that the Libido is fully cool. You can, of course, to the doctor, but he says the same thing: the most important thing is that there is no drought, and the body and genital organ to the full in the standard.
In the case of excitation discharge with an unpleasant sour smell
White liquid, vaginal irritation, and endless itching is very bad. Despite the fact that this unpleasant Symptom of the girl bothers you regularly, you must get rid of immediately. In General, it could be thrush, no proper care for themselves (i.e. Hygiene), the constant use of gels for intimate hygiene, with aromas of day-to-day stressful situations, abrupt climate change, unhealthy food, without the mode, the wrong underwear, the constant sprinkling with. In all of these described moments of discharge with an unpleasant sour smell. As soon as it was similar to that observed, it is important to immediately go to purchase consulting gynecologist, all of the effective drugs.
The correct compliance with the intimate care

These 4 rules for the care of intimate areas, very easy to use:
- The vagina with women with a special tool, in the inventory of the lactic acid, which gives it the effect of the normalization of acid-base balance.
- The usual soap, perfumed shower gel and the bottle for the intimate care strongly for the duration of use.
- It is very important constantly the daily strip change, since they are created for this purpose.
- The vagina with a woman at least 2x times a day, i.e. morning and evening should exercise. So, it is recommended, before the sexual intercourse the vagina.
- No matter how attractive the underwear made of synthetic fabric, was not wearing it. From this value, to abandon it in favor of their health.
- Unpleasant vaginal discharge with a fishy odor
If in the body acidity, the allocation of cheese, the forms are broken with the smell of fish. Such strong-smelling lumps similar to cottage cheese-looking statements about the absence of a healthy female and a surplus of bacteria. A similar disease is to be treated as a thrush, from the you immediately and do not run.
Fish smell – a first sign that the vagina during the woman's doctor need to test with clear instructions on what to do next, to make a full recovery. In the case of arousal secretions may be the same as always, but the smell is completely different, specifically, repulsive, and disgusting, and on the Penis at the entrance of a large number of cheese cake precipitates.
In the case of excitation discharge is normal. The main thing that you healthy indicator for the female condition. In the case of any uncomfortable feeling better to see a doctor, because the reproductive system is one of the most important organs that are treated do not have to move in the first place.